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  Timothy Falconer at 7/4/2003 10:03:26 AM

Wow! We finally reached thirty stories today. Nine months ago, I told the Storymill Partners that Immuexa would embark on the second round of Storymill functionality once we reached thirty stories. Guess it's time to get back to work!

Expect the following new features in coming months:

1. User accounts, which allow readers & authors to log-in

2. Accounts will be able to have new stories mailed to them.

3. Accounts can rank stories, which will help determine favorites.

4. Accounts will remember which stories have been read.

5. Accounts can subscribe to "StoryMonth", our newsletter.

I certainly didn't expect it to take nine months to get thirty stories. Perhaps the upcoming article about Storymill in July's Lehigh Valley Biz magazine will generate more stories. Get your stories in if you want them read by readers of that magazine.


  The name "Storymill" is a trademark of Immuexa Corporation.
All stories are copyright by their respective authors.
Website by Immuexa